Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pinterest Overload

I just can't seem to stay away from school stuff. My one day off this weekend (as yesterday was spent at school doing the walkabout) and I could be relaxing on the couch, drinking tea and reading a book BUT I am on the computer pinning school ideas like a fiend!

Here are a few of my favourites. You may seem them popping up in our new school over the coming weeks!

A  behaviour management system (i.e. "catch them making good choices") that combines making good choices with math. Win win!

from stories114

This one is a definite to do in our room. It is a great visual system that teaches the students everything that I am constantly saying to them when they have issues with each other. It is brilliant!

from Mrs. Richardson First Grade

This is a great teaching aid for parents to use. Might just be sending these home!
Pinned Image
This one is a MUST DO. I will be making these with the students in the new DaVinci studio soon after moving in. Aren't they wonderful? I can already imagine how unique each jack-o-lantern will be. Can hardly wait to do this!!!
I hope everyone is enjoying a cozy Sunday. It really is a perfect rainy day for a cuppa, a book and a spot on the couch. Think I might have to finally get off the computer and go do just that!
Ms. Hughes


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