Pete the Cat
I originally started this blog as a way to communicate with the parents of my class. But, as I get more into the teaching blogging world, I am discovering so many cool things happening on other blogs. There are a number of teaching blogs that I follow religiously. One of them is Heather's Heart. I actually have her blog posts sent to my email so that I never miss one! I am very interested in her Conscious Discipline book study and plan to participate this summer. I have used some of Dr. Becky Bailey's ideas in the past but never really dove into the thing whole hog.
Well, over on Heather's Heart right now there is an awesome giveaway happening. You know Pete the Cat? I mean, doesn't everyone know Pete the Cat by Eric Litwin?
Over at Heather's Heart you can enter to win a fantabulous Pete prize. There are 6 blogs and one etsy store participating. There are three chances to win. So what are you waiting for? Get on over to Heather's Heart and enter already! Just click here!
I too love pete the cat and his school shoes and show the book trailer at least 1 time a month for my 3rd graders! He just came out with new one about 3 groovy buttons!