Today, I want to share some of these awesome teachers/blogs with you! Just click on the pics to get to the sites!

Heather, over at Heather's Heart I have talked about her before. She is such a creative, caring teacher. I love her compassion for the children she teaches and her willingness to work to become the best teacher she can be. She is awesome!

The Down Under Teacher. Okay, I will admit that she got me with the name (I love all things Australian!) but, once I spent a bit of time there, it quickly became clear that she's got it going on. Check it out!

Another blogger with a great disposition and fab ideas. I just enjoy checking in to see what is happening in her neck of the woods (Florida).

It is impossible to say enough about this site. It is not a teacher's blog but a blog about how to be a better teacher (not to mention being a better person!). It is all discipline from the viewpoint of walking the walk not just talking the talk. I hope one day to be able to be a teacher like this all of the time.

Another one that is not a teacher blog. It is called The Principal's Page and is written by a superintendent from Illinois named Michael Smith. He is funny, sarcastic, blunt and, oh did I mention?, honest. I enjoy reading his posts and love that he sees the humour in life. Think it would be pretty darn cool to work for an administrator like him. Hmmm...maybe a move to Illinois is in my future?

This one is by Amanda Madden from South Carolina. (Clearly, I have a thing for blogs from the Southern states! My Southern roots are showing!) One of the things I like about her blog is that she does small group teaching a lot like I do. She also uses the acronym M.A.T.H for her math teaching but, lucky duck, she has computers and/or ipads in her room so she can make T be Technology. We have both an ipad cart and a laptop cart in the school but signing them out for an hour every day I do math would never fly (not to mention it would be a royal pain to go get them, set them up, return them etc. etc. etc!) Plus, I would have to sign out the WHOLE cart (meaning 15+) when I only need a few.
In a perfect world, I have a set of 5-6 ipads that are in my room ALL of the time. Just think I could use them for math, reading, writing, etc. etc. etc. Oh! And, while I am dreaming, I also have a set of 4-5 ipods with stories saved on them so that the kids can listen to stories and improve their fluency. What? It could happen, couldn't it? Maybe somebody from apple will read this and think to themselves, "Now there is a teacher who would both appreciate and use our products. Let's give them to her!" No? Well, maybe not, but, wishing never hurt anybody!
And there you go! Five blogs worth checking out when you have the time and/or inclination!
Happy Tuesday!
Ms. Hughes
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