Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Hard to believe that we are in the final term of the year. Just 12 short weeks until the year is done and, trust me, they will fly by!!!

It is that time again...

I'm linking up with Farley over at Oh Boy Fourth Grade for this month's Currently.

listening...I have iTunes playlists for various things...working out, yoga, faith, travel etc. It's nice ato be able to fit the music to the mood!!!!!

loving...Usually I sleep at my mother's from Sunday through Thursday but this week I got a night off and actually had a mid-week Date Night with my crow! My wonderful 17 year old daughter took the shift at Mum's. Thanks Sweetie!!!!

thinking...I hate allergies! I have them all year due to my allergies to dust BUT add in the seasonal allergies and I feel like one big sneezing, dripping faucet! UGH! Have been researching alternative allergy relief (am worried I am taking WAY too much of the OTC stuff!) so stay tuned. I'll let you know if any of it works!

wanting...having spent my Spring Break at my mother's, I am not exactly feeling like I had a real vacation from all things life. Dreaming of a hammock, a good book and a warm breeze blowing.... feels a bit like September all over again in my class. Usually we have to do some major review post Spring Break but this year I haven't been with them full time in 2 months! It feels VERY weird to be back in the classroom full time after having a student teacher. I am getting back in the swing and the kids are remembering my expectations....slowly. 

hours...I am paid for 8:45-3:15. Any other hours are at my discretion. A normal workday for me is to arrive around 8 and leave anywhere from 4:30-5:30 (usually closer to the latter!). And I always put in lots of hours over the summer (but those would be unpaid, just because I want to, hours!)

last day...we go right til the end of June. But we don't start until the Tuesday after Labour Day in September. And we get 2 weeks at Christmas and 2 weeks at Spring Break. 

And there you have it! Another Currently done! Happy April everyone!


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