Wednesday, September 14, 2011

All About Us Glyph and other stuff

September 12, 2011

Today was our first full day as a class. We had a great day! So far, the class is all getting along together well. I know that we are in what is called the "honeymoon" period but I can't help but hope that it lasts!

We did a class glyph about ourselves. It will be up in the hall tomorrow. I'll take a pic to post if I remember. Don't know what a glyph is? Well, it is a picture that contains data about any given subject. It has a key to read and try to figure out which glyph belongs to which student based on how they answered a series of questions. I love doing glyphs and so expect to see a few this year! It is a great way to practice data collection and analysis. Today we also decorated our book boxes, made our Poetry book covers, worked at a number of choosing centres, read stories, practiced lining up and much more.

I told the kids that the number one thing to know about me is that "I say what I mean and mean what I say". So, for example, if I ask a student to get a drink of water and then come sit at the carpet, it DOES NOT mean "get a drink of water, run around the classroom, check out the Lego and then come sit at the carpet"! (and, yes, this is a true example of something that happened today!) I really try to be very clear in my expectations. I find this helps students to do their best work. We also started brainstorming rules that we feel are important to help our classroom community work well together. We will be solidifying these rules and creating a class pledge later this week.

Tomorrow is our first day of Music with Ms. Der. We will be going from 9:00 - 9:45 every Tuesday morning. And, on Thursday we have our first Library day with Mr. Raikes. Our gym days are going to be Wednesday and Friday. Mr. Langille, Ms. Opatovsky and I are working together to schedule our Science and Social Studies lessons which we will be team teaching. I can't wait! It is so much fun and so rewarding to work closely with other teachers. The teachers learn from each other and all the kids learn from more than one person. Win-win!

Ms. Hughes

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